Chatham University

Chatham University Personal Web Page Disclaimer

Individual faculty, staff, and students are encouraged to create a personal home page. While the content of those pages must be consistent with the mission of the University, it should also reflect the creative talents, unique abilities and interests of the individual. All personal home pages placed on Chatham University computers must be linked and listed in the personal page directories reserved for students and faculty/staff. The directories will be maintained by the Webmaster and be linked to this page which contains this disclaimer:


This area is reserved for personal home pages of Chatham University students, faculty/staff. The information and opinions here reflect individual thoughts, tastes and activities. They do not necessarily reflect official policies or positions of Chatham University.

Individual page providers assume all liability and responsibility for information on their personal pages. Chatham University exerts no previous-to-publishing editorial control or review over the content.

However, personal pages hosted on Chatham University's personal web page server may not be used in any manner prohibited by law or disallowed by licenses, contracts, copyrights, or college policies and regulations. If you encounter any violation of the above restrictions, please let us know by e-mailing

Chatham University reserves the right to remove any page from its server at any time without prior notice to the creator of the page.

In addition, each personal home page (the top level page of your material) must contain the following statement: "Please read this disclaimer in regard to this personal home page material." The word disclaimer must be linked to this web page that contains the disclaimer for personal home pages. All tenets of The Chatham University Computing Policies are incorporated into this policy. Student violations of the personal home page policy will be referred to the judicial board for action. Faculty and or staff violations of the personal home page policy will be referred to the appropriate administrative officer for action.

Changes to the policy

The World Wide Web is an evolving medium and this policy is written based on current technology and use at Chatham University. Suggestions for updates and changes of the policy may be directed to the Webmaster as a representative of the Web Policy group. This policy group will periodically revise the policy as necessary.

Please address all comments and other feedback to the owner of the page. For details about the Personal Web Page Policy, see the Chatham University Personal Web Page Policy or contact